Regardless of where you live, the weathermen seem to be offering the same warning: It’s going to be a scorcher. We’ve seen heat waves hit nearly every part of the globe this summer, and despite coming off one of the most brutal winters on record, we’re already tired of the heat and humidity here in Boston. Being in the northeast, central air conditioning isn’t a given. However, unless you paid Porsche for a new Boxster Spyder, you’ll most likely be able to find some relief in your car.
Car Shopping
Do You Need an Extended Warranty When Buying a Car?
Here are some things to consider. Basically, an extended warranty lengthens the warranty a new car manufacturer offers. For example, it might be used for additional coverage on a 3-year/36,000-mile warranty.
The first thing to consider is how long you are going to keep your new car. There’s no sense in buying an extended warranty if you don’t plan to keep the car beyond the manufacturer’s warranty.
Great Cars for Your Next Summer Adventure
Well, here we are in the peak months of summer. Believe it or not, we only have 9 weeks remaining where the days are longer than the nights. That’s not a ton time left. It might be time for you to grab your friends and family and spend your summer how it should be spent: hiking, fishing, boating, camping, swimming, relaxing, and, of course, driving. You’re going to want a vehicle for the season to accommodate all of your summer adventures.
12 Starter Cars for Real Grown-Ups
School has ended, and now you’ve had a solid month or so to land that new career. We’re going to assume that was more than enough time to find your dream entry-level job. And now that you have had plenty of time to settle in to your new gig, you must be looking for a new car to buy with your newly obtained paycheck. You’re an adult now, and you’ll have a whole new set of responsibilities to account for. You’ll want to find the right car for the right price to accommodate your needs.
Are Convertibles Worth the Safety Risk?
Yesterday we drove Highway 1 in California from San Simeon to Monterey. This is the most beautiful segment of the most beautiful road in America, but one thing started driving me crazy:
One in ten cars that passed in the opposite direction was either a red convertible Camaro or Mustang. That’s no exaggeration. I don’t know if there’s either a rental place that specializes in outfitting people with red convertibles or if people with red convertibles just like driving the 1, but it got to the point of being ridiculous. Every minute or two someone in the family announced the sighting of yet another convertible Mustang.
Without question, we have entered the season of convertibles. Warm weather brings dropped tops, messy hair, sunburned foreheads, and sun-bleached interiors.